In the Service of University Libraries
IATUL Values

IATUL Values

The IATUL Board endorses a set of shared values that guides its membership, strategies and operations. The four value sets are:

Collaboration and accountability

We facilitate the development of international collaborations among university libraries to achieve shared objectives, while aspiring to demonstrate transparency and accountability in all our activities and operations.

Freedom of expression and access to knowledge

We advocate intellectual freedom, including freedom from censorship and the preservation and protection of cultural property, and support the continuity of access to knowledge, including open scholarly communication and open science.

Innovation and leadership

We encourage projects that foster innovative approaches to library research and learning services and support the professional development of our members with a focus on leadership development.

Respect for human dignity and inclusion

We respect the diversity of customs and beliefs among our membership, recognising differences while developing the trust necessary to build common ground and foster social justice. We strive to create a culture of mutual respect and belonging within our Association and in all our activities and events.