In the Service of University Libraries
Upcoming Conference

Save the Date: 44th IATUL Conference

IATUL Conference 2024


We are excited and proud to announce that the 44th IATUL Conference will be hosted in beautiful Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland, in Aotearoa New Zealand. The conference will be held at the University of Auckland from 24-28 November 2024, supported by CONZUL (Council of Aotearoa New Zealand University Libraries).



Days before the start of the Annual Conference


Our theme is: Ngā Reo o te Katoa | The voices of all

The conference streams aim to embrace the diversity of our profession and the work that we do in academic libraries. They are:




Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


Mahitahi & Whakawhanaungatanga

Collaboration/building relationships



Submission Portal OpensFriday, 23 February 2024
Registration Portal OpensMonday, 6 May 2024
Submission Portal ClosesWednesday, 12 May 2024
Author NotificationSunday, 30 June 2024
Early Bird Registration and Presenter Registration Deadline extendedSunday, 8 September 2024
Registration ClosesFriday, 25 October 2024
Conference DatesSunday to Thursday , 24-28 November 2024


We look forward to welcoming you this year.

Ngā manaakitanga – with best wishes


Sue Roberts, University Librarian and Director Libraries and Learning Services, University of Auckland

Sue Roberts
University Librarian and Director Libraries and Learning Services University of Auckland


University of Auckland
Kim Tairi, University Librarian, Auckland Institute of Technology

Kim Tairi
University Librarian
Auckland University of Technology


Auckland University of Technology
Michelle Blake, University Librarian, The University of Waikato

Michelle Blake
University Librarian
The University of Waikato


The University of Waikato