In the Service of University Libraries
Legal Details

Legal details


International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) e.V.
IATUL Office
Zum Ehrenhain 34
22885 Barsbüttel | Germany

Phone: +49-40-670 882 80

Register Court: Amtsgericht München
Register Number: VR 200449



Executive Board

President: Ms Kate Robinson
Vice-President: Ms Kara Jones
Secretary: Ms Caroline Pang
Treasurer: Ms Gerda Winkler

Responsible in terms of content

V. i.S.d § 55 Abs.2 RStV:

Ms Kate Robinson

International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) e.V.
IATUL Office
Zum Ehrenhain 34
22885 Barsbüttel | Germany

The website content is created and edited by IATUL's web editing team. If you have any question or suggestions concerning our web pages or if you would like to point out a mistake, you are welcome to send us a message.


Technical Support, Concept & Webdesign

GLOBIT – Global Information Technology GmbH
22885 Barsbüttel |Germany

CEO: Hermann Hanser
Commercial Registry Lübeck HRB 15112 HL

Liability Note
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