In the Service of University Libraries
SIG Leadership

Special Interest Group for Leadership

The IATUL Special Interest Group for Leadership (SIG-L) fosters the development of current and emerging library leaders through sharing of expertise and best practice with a focus on leadership success and career development.

Upon its launch after the annual conference 2024, the SIG will enable and coordinate capability building opportunities such as experience sharing, webinar series, potential mentor-mentee networks, self-directed learning, or specific training on leadership skills development held in conjunction with the annual IATUL conference.

The SIG-L contributes to IATUL's service portfolio to support member libraries through collaborative activities and adhoc initiatives that will be identified through the SIGs annual work plan. The group will meet online on a periodic basis and provides a yearly update at the Annual IATUL conference.


SIG-Leadership has just been founded and is calling for interested members!

Dr Gabrielle Wong (Chair)University Librarian   The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology    China