43rd IATUL Conference UAE 2023 | SAVE THE DATE
The 43rd International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) Annual Conference 2023 will be proudly hosted by Zayed University in Dubai and the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates.
Please save the date for 13-16 March 2023. The conference will be early in the calendar year for delegates to enjoy the pleasant UAE spring weather and avoid the summer desert heat.
We look forward to offering you a warm welcome with opportunities for engaging discussion and a chance for librarians and friends from around the world to meet here in the Emirates.
The Call for Papers is open NOW! The deadline for proposals/abstracts is December 2, 2022.
The registration is open NOW! Early Bird: January 31, 2023; Close: February 21, 2023.
More information and submission process is available at https://iatul2023.zu.ac.ae and https://easychair.org/cfp/iatul2023.