In the Service of University Libraries
IATUL Newsletter December 2021
09.12.2021 - 13:45

IATUL Newsletter December 2021

Read about our topics in December 2021 and download our Newsletter.


Our topics in December 2021:

  1. Outgoing President’s message
  2. Incoming President's message
  3. The IATUL Fall 2021 Seminar: You are invited!
  4. IATUL 42nd Annual Conference in Miami
  5. Short survey: in-person attendance at the 42nd IATUL 2022
  6. IATUL 43rd Annual Conference and General Assembly: save the dates
  7. 41st Annual Conference in Porto: a report
  8. Call for Nominations - IATUL Board of Directors
  9. Call for hosting IATUL Events
  10. IATUL Office changes
  11. IATUL Special Interest Groups - SIG News
    1. Metrics and Research Impact SIGMaRI updates
    2. Information Literacy SIGIL updates

Read the December issue of the IATUL Newsletter!