In the Service of University Libraries
Temporary suspension of active cooperation with Russian members
20.10.2022 - 12:08

Temporary suspension of active cooperation with Russian members

Russian continuation of its invasion of the Ukraine


IATUL International Association of University Libraries

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 – the results of which have included the significant loss of civilian life and cultural heritage – the IATUL Board issued a Statement of Support for Ukraine (March 15, 2022).

As a result of the Russian continuation of its invasion of the Ukraine and a reaffirmation of solidarity with Ukraine the IATUL Board has, with regret, approved the temporary suspension of active cooperation with Russian members for the period of 2022-2023.

This suspension includes participation in the Special Interest Groups, participating as a member at the Fall Seminar in Zurich, Switzerland, in December 2022, and the IATUL Conference 2023 in the UAE.

This pause in the membership will be evaluated again in 2023, and we will look forward to renewed cooperation in the future.

Anna Wałek
IATUL President
on behalf of the IATUL Board