In the Service of University Libraries
IATUL 2022 | Proceedings and Recordings now available
09.11.2022 - 10:30

IATUL 2022 | Proceedings and Recordings now available

The 42nd IATUL Annual Conferencewas held June 12-16, 2022 on the campus of the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. The theme was “Weaving our Future: Creativity – Innovation – Transformation.”


42nd IATUL Annual Conference

Co-hosted by Florida International University and the University of Miami, this was the first IATUL conference held in a hybrid in-person/virtual format. The Miami conference was only the seventh IATUL conference held in the Western Hemisphere. The conference attracted 150 university library leaders from 26 countries spanning Africa, the Americas, Asia (including Oceania), Europe and the Middle East.