In the Service of University Libraries
IATUL Fall Seminar | Register by 11 Nov. 2022
01.11.2022 - 11:27

IATUL Fall Seminar | Register by 11 Nov. 2022

"Breaking new ground: scholarly communication and libraries" - this is the title of the IATUL Fall Seminar 2022 to be held at the ETH Library in Zurich from 13 to 15 December 2022.


IATUL Fall Seminar 13-15 December 2022 ETH Zurich

Over two days, international speakers representing libraries, publishers and the scientific community will shed light on current developments and challenges in the areas of scholarly communication, “metrics” and awareness in science. 

On day three, a study tour will provide a range of opportunities to learn more about Swiss libraries and the country in general.




The ETH Library is hosting and organising this year’s Fall Seminar of the International Association of University Libraries (IATUL).

Full details of this year's IATUL Fall Seminar can be found at

We are looking forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact